Thursday, September 18, 2008

welcome to kota bharu

kota bharu is the state capital and royal city of kelantan. it lies near the mouth of the kelantan river. some of the interest here are various museums and unique architecture of the old royal palace that is still occupied by the sultan and sultanah and off-limits to visitors but are viewable from outside. kota bharu has a majority muslim population. on 2005, kota bharu was declared as the islamic city. the prevalence of jawi script can be seen in the name of streets, shops, signboards and restaurants. popular local cuisine are nasi kerabu, nasi berlauk and sweet cakes. the famous shopping destination are pasar siti khadijah, kota seri mutiara, and pelangi mall. unfortunately, all major beaches in kota bharu are currently prone to excessive erosion by strong surf. regular beach activities has become impossible..

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