Sunday, September 28, 2008


people wear spectacles for vision correction, eye protection or protection from uv rays. there are 4 types of spectacles :
  • corrective - alleviate the effect of astigmatisme or nearsightedness
  • safety - protect the eye from flying debris
  • sunglasses - provide protection against bright visible
  • special - create the illusion of three dimension
spectacles can be a major part of personal expression. for some celebrities, spectacles form part of their identity. some people hate to wear spectacles. in their opinion, those who wear them look nerd. there are also some inconvenience when wearing spectacles. they can cause problems during rigorous sports. the lenses can become greasy or trap vapour when eating hot food, swimming, or walking in rain. finally, many people who wear spectacles turn to contact lenses or laser eye surgery.
~member of specs group

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