1Litre of Tears is a Japanese television drama, that is an adaptation of a diary of a Japanese girl who suffered from spinocerebellar ataxia. this drama shows how a 15-year-old girl, Aya Ikeuchi, who had an incurable disease lived life to the fullest until her death at 25. she proved her courage and positive attitude towards an uncertain future when suffering such an illness. when she is diagnosed with the terminal illness, she did not lose the will to survive. she still makes friends with others including her first love, who left her after knowing her disease. she later develops interest towards Asou Haruto, who is cold but still very kind to her. from her diary, she gave support to others, especially those who suffer the same disease with her. they thought that she is a very great person. everyone was very sad with her death. her only wish was to live. by carefully depicting her earnest desire to live, and the love of her family, friends and lover, this drama wishes to deliver simple but strong message:' just being alive is such a lovely and wonderful thing~